Tuesday, June 12, 2012


Two of the things I brought up with me from Kansas are my little bonsai-trees-to-be.

Bonsai Redbud
bonsai hand

They are not actually bonsai yet. I need to let them grow until winter, and then prune their roots while they are dormant.

bonsai redbud

Bonsai Oak
bonsai oak hand
grew this guy from an acorn which fell from one of our oak trees in Kansas.
bonsai oak

They may look small now, but just you wait…. Actually, I am hoping they always look small. Smile

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Getting use to my surroundings

One of the things I have always enjoyed is long and rejuvenating walks. Evening walks are best because the humidity and temperatures are low, and the colors are amazing. All my life I have lived in cities; so I would try to take my walks to the edge of town, a quiet park, or along some train tracks.The funny thing is that usually I spent half of my time just getting to a place like that where I could enjoy my walk. Things are different now though. Now for the first time in my life I live in the country! I need only walk to the end of my driveway to find myself on a beautifully scenic country road. I have already gone on several nice long walks since moving one and a half weeks ago. I would like to share some images from the walk I took yesterday evening.

Looking down the road…
One thing I love about this part of Minnesota, is that it contains a healthy amount of open spaces and pastures. This makes it a lot easier for me to adjust after spending most of my life in Kansas.

I still can’t believe I live here…
road zoom
I think this view will look nice come fall.

Daisies along the fence

Sunset view from Steam Boat Road

Freshly planted power poles
I am not extremely thrilled that there are signs of civilization being installed in the pasture down the road. But the sunset’s colors were so superb that it was hard to not enjoy the view.

A final look at the day’s final colors
Red Skies and pipeline
One of the horses grazing (I’m not sure which one)

And these are only the views from a short walk down my road... Smile This is such a wonderful place to live!